Residential Composting Program
Findlay Market has expanded its composting program to allow for community members to participate. Residents and market shoppers are able to rent a bucket from Findlay Market and drop off their food waste as part of the market’s Greening the Market Sustainability Program.
Program Details:
Cost: $10/month or $55 for a 6-month commitment
What will be accepted: Green food waste (i.e. produce, coffee grounds, and plant-based waste), eggshells, and yard waste (including wood chips and sawdust from unprocessed wood)
Not accepted: Meat or dairy
Please avoid: Any foreign objects such as rubber bands, cutlery of any kind, gloves, plastic bags, coffee filters, etc.
Drop-off: At the Market Center any time during Market Hours.
Membership Includes:
A 5-gallon composting container for at-home use
Cleaning service for the container during drop-off
Findlay Market Partners
Ohio EPA Recycling Grant: Community & Litter
Hamilton County Waste Reduction Innovation Grant
If you want more information about the Findlay Market Residential Composting Program please fill out the Residential Composting Interest Form and our Outdoor Market & Program Manager will follow-up.